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God is at Work Today!

I recently heard from Pastor Dennis Tabor, currently serving at Forest Grove Baptist Church.  Would you believe another eight people accepted Christ this past week and are going to be baptized?  That brings the total for Forest Grove since February to near 30 people who have walked in obedience in baptism.  Folks, this isn’t Gospel light.  Pastor Dennis isn’t selling an easy gospel, he and his members are simply presenting THE Gospel to those who need hope and good news.  Each of our communities are filled with similar people, but many of us have given up sharing or grown accustomed to thinking either about ourselves or that the world doesn’t respond to the good news anymore.  Let me urge you to try again.  Talk to your church and ask them to reengage their families and circles of influence with the best news in the history of man.  God just may show up like he has at Forest Grove!

If you would like an opportunity to go share, June 4th is our monthly trip to Grace Marketplace to feed the hungry.  If you can’t come June 4th, let us help you find another time you can feed and lead others to the Saviour of the world.  If you would like other ideas to engage your community like joining us at the Alachua County Fair so you too can have opportunities to share the Gospel, read the newsletter below.  Be encouraged, your church has the same good news for a new generation, equally important and relevant.  It simply takes willing hearts and prayerful people to see fruit.  We want to help, let’s reach our communities together!

Have a Great Memorial Day with those close to you!



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