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The Dividing Wall of Hostility

Brothers and Sisters,

Dallas, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, and even in Minnesota and Michigan we hear of and see violence.  Violence against police, violence against citizens, all sorts of violence is happening today. In recent days and weeks there has been no fix.  It also doesn’t look like it is going to get better anytime soon.  Anger is welling up in everyone.

We all know the answer, but we fail to do anything.  We all know that once Christ reigns in a person’s life he or she finds peace and we find peace with each other.  Ephesians 2:14 says; “For He Himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in the flesh the dividing wall of hostility.” and in verse 16, God says; “and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility.”

Yes this spoke of Jews and Gentiles, but it is no more real today than it was in the first century.  Jews despised Gentiles, there was hate and hostility between both groups.  Paul reminded them, though, we have peace.  Those in the Spirit are reconciled not only to God, but to each other.  Christians, I urge you to stand up.  Let us stand with our brothers in Christ; no matter the color, no matter the past, no matter our party affiliation.  

The dividing wall of hostility is broken, we are no longer two separate people.  We may have different worship styles, accents, or church governance, but we have one God.  We Christians must rise up and show how our great God has killed our hostility toward each other, thereby being an example to our community.

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